Ivan Kerekes
2006-06-06 04:00:59 UTC
I made the grub modification to mklivecd.
The grub function can be selected with the new
--bootloader grub parameter (which currently defaults to iso) so it
will generate isolinux if not specified.
What I didn't coded yet (would be just 3 line) to get the grub xpm
screen as a parameter.
(currently it defaults to the /boot/grub/mdv*.xpm.gz from the GRUB
Please test it if you have a chance and let me know your opinion,
and/or suggestions for functions, preprogammed Grub-menu's and so on.
Ivan Kerekes
The grub function can be selected with the new
--bootloader grub parameter (which currently defaults to iso) so it
will generate isolinux if not specified.
What I didn't coded yet (would be just 3 line) to get the grub xpm
screen as a parameter.
(currently it defaults to the /boot/grub/mdv*.xpm.gz from the GRUB
Please test it if you have a chance and let me know your opinion,
and/or suggestions for functions, preprogammed Grub-menu's and so on.
Ivan Kerekes
Ivan Kerekes
Ivan Kerekes